We Calibrate, Sell & Service

Industrial, Medical, Analytical Laboratory & Mining
Instruments and consumables.

Equipment Supply and Service

We are a team of professionals experienced in a wide range of fields. Our skilled technicians are always available for backup/after service whenever they are needed. Fields of specialisation are classified as follows:

  • Industrial Automation & Process Control;
  • Laboratory & Industrial Instrumentation.


Our sales departments have a wide range of instruments. We strive to be able to supply the necessary equipment that accelerates productivity, innovation, and discovery to meet daily engineering challenges in the increasingly complex world. Lionturf delivers true sales intelligence application.

Our technical sales team is well trained to advise customers on selection of instruments that best suit the intended use and application.

We provide quick and reliable service support and are committed to respond to customer’s requests of keeping the instruments running. Where necessary, we provide training to the customers on proper use of instruments for daily use and regular maintenance.



Lionturf has highly skilled personnel in this field, who also have acquired adequate training in ISO quality standards. We are currently offering calibration of laboratory equipment, industrial measuring and control instruments, and other monitoring equipment. Calibrations can be carried out either onsite, or they can be sent to our premises. Our calibration standards are traceable to recognised standards respectively, and we are guided by the ISO 17025 requirements in our service delivery.

The instruments we are capable of calibrating, service and supply include:

  • Electrical;
  • Mechanical (Dimensional);
  • Temperature;
  • Analytical;
  • Mass , Pressure & Flow.

Our Clients